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Life Skills for All Learners: How to Teach, Assess, and Report Education's New Essentials


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The clearest guide yet to preparing today's students to succeed in a rapidly changing and increasingly complex world.

Table of contents

Chapter 2. Expert Thinking

Chapter 3. Creativity and Innovation

About the authors

Antarina S.F. Amir, SE, MSc, MBA, is the founder and president of HighScope Indonesia Institute. A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and Instructor at the University of Indonesia, she is passionate about improving education in Indonesia and established the HighScope Early Childhood Education Program in Jakarta 1996.

After extensive study, consultation with education experts, and numerous visits to schools in the United States and other countries, she expanded the program to be a comprehensive K–12 education institute. The aim of the program is to provide integrated and inclusive learning experiences for children so that they become self-regulated leaders, equipped with the skills needed to be successful and thrive in their lives.

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